Poland and the Czech Republic are introducing temporary checks on the border with Slovakia
The decisions were announced by Mariusz Kamiński, the Minister of the Interior and Administration, and the Czech Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, during today’s press conference.
Border checks to prevent illegal migration along the Balkan route will start at midnight on October 3 and will continue for the next 10 days (until October 13). The measure may be prolonged if necessary. During this period the border can only be crossed st designated places. Individuals or vehicles for inspection will be selected based on risk analysis. Travelers crossing the Polish-Slovak border must carry an ID card or a passport.
8 road border crossings are available:
– Radoszyce
– Periwinkle
– Muszynka
– Piwniczna-Zdrój – Mnišek nad Popradom
– Jurgów
– Chyżne
– Korbielów
– Zwardoń – Skalité Platforma
In addition, there are 3 railway border crossings:
– Łupków – Palota
– Muszyna – Plaveč
– Zwardoń–Skalité
There are also 11 pedestrian border crossings, which may only be used by EU citizens and their spouses and children:
– Ożenna
– Konieczna
– Leluchów
– Niedzica
– Łysa Polana
– Chochołów
– Winiarczykówka
– Ujsoły
– Bór
– Zwardoń – Mýto
– Jaworzynka – Čierne –Skalité.
The Czech Republic
In view of rising illegal migration, random checks along the Czech-Slovak border will start at midnight (October 3) and will continue for the next 10 days (until October 13).
Od půlnoci zavádíme namátkové kontroly na hranicích se Slovenskem. Opatření koordinujeme s Polskem, které zavádí podobné kontroly, Slovenskem i dalšími sousedními zeměmi.
Počty nelegálních migrantů do EU začínají opět růst. Nebereme to na lehkou váhu a rychle reagujeme na…
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